Click links below, for the pages.

New: May, 2015
Searching for Ivan:
Our 2010 search for Oksana’s grandfather who died in 1920s Cuba.

Oksana’s Parents, Bill and Anna:
A treasure discovered in an old trunk, and some some memorial articles about Bill’s remarkable life.
Also: see the website for our 2017 documentary about Bill.
John’s Parents: On our old webpages, Funeral eulogies, plus photos from Eleanor’s 100th birthday parties. Click here for Jack, here for Eleanor.
Jack Leeson
Mar. 30, 1912 – Jan. 28, 2009Eleanor Leeson
Apr. 30, 1910- Jun. 18, 2010

Our wedding: (Nov. 13, 1976)
Discovered in in a basement cleanup… some film from our 1976 wedding.
Video and some notes here.